Saturday, February 28, 2009

guys: one bottle (yeeping), aloysius, cute deer (dear) farid
girls: cat (clarrie), me (hamster -__-), dog (shihui), clownfish/Oi! (lynette)
then there is giraffepig (pikfern) who is taking the picture and jade stone (shuang yu) and mr saishuai! (:
i absolutely love 0909! the craziest class with the most retarded classmates :D! haha from laughing at everything and anything, esp lynette who is our main source of entertainment, to launching suprise attacks at the unsuspecting hanhui, which is our after school entertainment xD you guys make my days in school absolutely fun-tabulous (: 0909 zoo <333

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i have no idea how to put this...but don't you feel that sometimes you just don't belong in there? people include you out of courtesy, to be polite. But when you do join them, no one seriously responds to you or includes you in. it's like just talking to yourself. yeah you know them, they know you, but no one cares about you. so why talk to them when you know you are going to get ignored, might as well exit. sure i've tried, just didn't work. yep, call me anti-social or loner or whatever you want to call me. why try to include yourself when you aren't despite being "included"? okay i have seriously no idea what i just said but i hope you understand. (:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

[credits to youtube: kyu508]


T/N: Bolero- Latin-American dance (that's why the tempo of the song is such)- It can also mean a slow-dance with rhythm and stance (i.e. Ballet)- In the context of the song, it can mean both the dance and a loose translation of the word "volar" which means "to fly/to soar" in Spanish.

I saw a dream of you dancing on the floating darkness of the moon's stage

You do not have to bear the deep, deep wounds in your heart

Nobody is going to blame you, it is alright to be who you are

{CHORUS}Listen well, tiptoed, to the loving, fleeting melody of the bolero

Soar! to find a place where your sadness will be healedInside a dark room, a window of sentiments is overflowing

Build on your dreams

Under the moonlight, you frantically engrave the rhythm you desire(so) build on your dreams

The reason you are the way you are is because you flap your wingsYou search for answers (that) nobody else knows

{CHORUS}Listen well, tiptoed, to the loving, fleeting melody of the bolero

Soar! to find a place where your sadness will be healed

[Junsu]Oh~[Yoochun]Let you dance away

[Junsu]Don't you know[Yunho]I'll stand by your side~[Changmin]Ah~

[Jaejoong]Fly away, Fly away, Fly away, Fly to the top[Yoochun]Fly forever

[Jaejoong]Yeah, yeah, yeah~

[Junsu]Eternally,[Yunho]I will continue shining on you,

[Junsu]Watching over attentively,[Changmin]For your admired future.

[Jaejoong]Wherever you go, [Yoochun]I continue to hope,

[Jaejoong]I will protect [Yoochun]Oh~

{CHORUS2}[THSK]Listen well, to the radiating, lonely, passionately sparkling boleroYou are definitely not aloneAs long as you are alive, fly!

[Jaejoong]This is the place where you belong

i am currently hooked onto dbsk's jap song bolero. their jap ballads are the best! srsly! (: my mother said changmin looks shuai! you've got good taste mother! :D oh and she thinks seungri is handsome too (i think)

class 0909! <333

full class photo with our CT teacher/ Maths teacher/ PW teacher, Mr Teo. (:

today, me and pikfern has just proven the fact that 男人就是不可靠!tsk! next time we're pushing it all to the guys! (:<

haha pikfern and I seriously cannot do work together. Why? We digress easily, like super easily thanks to dbsk and SHINee. When it comes to dbsk, she just can't concentrate, at all. And we just started dancing to nobody and gee! hahah the extent of not wanting to do GP (or anything at all)!

well 0909, i wish you good luck in eating our "lovely" cake tmr! oh great, my maths is still undone ):

Saturday, February 7, 2009


gee, am i the only one who thinks that taemin and heechul do not look alike? i cant see the similarities. okay maybe a little but not totally alike.
and NO, onew and key DO NOT look alike, although they sometimes wear matching clothes and had similar hairstyles.
and NO, minho does not rap slowly, it's because mirotic's rap is that slow. even so, it doesnt mean he is 烂!
and NO, taemin isn't girly, he's adorable. come on, he's only 15! and way taller than me.
and NO, their dancing isn't messy. even so, did it ever occur to you that they are tired? they practice really hard you know! they debuted less than a year, they are still humans, nobody is perfect. oh and they still go to school!
stop comparing them with dbsk. i can only put up with this much, don't overdo it. (: so what if taemin's height of 178cm is the shortest in dbsk, pls lah, they are still young and will grow even taller. while i don't. ):
hurr you made me miss 10mins of my show DDD:
i am beginning to believe that i might have hearing problems. i always hear funny or wrong things, especially from korean songs in which they sing english lines. like for example, seung ri's strong baby.
i hear: this is how we save the world. ad d d d d d diction.
actual: we're so hottest in the world. like d d d d d this yo.

see the vast difference? i dont even know how my brain processed that out. :/ yeah okay i am weird. another one was key's english conversation with the angmoh guy. it took me 3 times with a full volume to hear what he said while louisa perfectly understood it. i should probably go dig my ears clean. but still, the english in songs either are grammatically wrong or don't make sense at all e.g. dbsk's purple line "we gotta purple like that" like huh? (no offense (:)

PE is my worst nightmare. no, cancel that, NAPFA is my worst nightmare. half a year of slack and i died running 3 rounds. (: yep time to lose some weight!

ps. anyone knows how to put videos up on the blog?