Tuesday, March 31, 2009

hello hello are you okay? -no response-
checking for pulse -no pulse no breathing-
commence CPR!
one and two and three and four and five and......(to infinity -> the effect of too much maths)

well, i am trying to do CPR on my blog to revive it, but i guess it aint working that great, so maybe i should switch to using electric shocks or AED or sth. but then again...NAH! (:

commenced dead at 10:38pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i marvel at how people are able to make friends online. you meet them online, dont know who they are, how they sound like, how they look like, just talk to them online everytime and poof you become good friends. And then in school comes the crap about the dangers of meeting strangers online -__- no one afraid that it might happen to them?
how does dongran do it? so much to the extent of having an online family. maybe i just lack their social skills or sth :///
i shouldnt keep a blog, facebook, forums etc. i always end up dying and become an inactive mbr. (: sorry i am just lazy and i forget easily.
haha it's nearly 12am, so much for sleeping early.

sigh i dont think i am gonna sleep well tonight...so many mixed feelings all bottled inside. ): dont know why i feel this way! AHHH shuang yu, i think you read my palm correctly T__T it's happening to me now! -commits suicide-