Friday, January 30, 2009

it's going to be the start of a new school, a new life in NYJC. (: and yay! there'll be a few friends going there too. anyways, i am over my emo stage (not sure if you can call it that :/). i shan't care anymore, afterall people can't be friends forever.
i can't believe i couldn't sleep because of it. damn how could i lose my precious sleep over it! tsk i must be mad. (well it was only one night)
to all friends who have been with me through my secondary life (you know who you all are), i want to thank you all for giving me such precious memories which i know i will keep with me in my heart! (: (omg so cliched xD) but still i hope we do stay in touch although we might be going to different JCs/Polys. Good Luck and I love you all <3 hmm maybe i should sleep early tonight or sth. (though i never was able to do it) and wake up early (never worked). haha i'll prob have tons of trouble just trying to wake up for school :P

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

do you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, but there is no one.
even if there is, they dont understand you.
yep, my feelings exactly.